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攻读硕士学位期间从事质粒DNA提取、纯化、探针标记、原位杂交、Southern blot及异常血红蛋白的氨基酸序列分析等工作。1988年至1991年,主要从事动脉粥样硬化的脂蛋白分离、纯化、胶体金标记受体及受体活性检测等工作。1990-1992年,主持了湖南省“胃癌发生发展中癌基因及抗癌基因结构与表达”研究课题。1994-1998年先后从事酶性DNA研究(获省自然科学优秀论文二等奖)、水稻抗逆性研究(获省科委科研成果四等奖、省教委科技进步二等奖)及虎纹捕鸟蛛毒素II基因全化学合成及在原核细胞中的表达等课题研究。1999年至2003年(博士学位期间)作为主要研究人员,参与了多项国家“863计划”和“973计划”课题,多项国家自然科学基金重点和面上课题的研究。在国家“863计划”课题“虎纹镇痛肽的药物开发及高效基因表达研究”中,作为第一研究人员和课题立项大会答辩人,独立承担并圆满完成虎纹镇痛肽药理学、药效学及毒理学等项目研究。该项目于2006年通过国家药检局审批,作为国家I类新药进入临床试验。近年来采用神经生物学及分子生物学手段,首次开展HWTX-I抗发病及死亡率高的脑缺血性损伤神经元保护作用分子机制研究。在国家、省自然科学基金、省科技厅和省卫生厅多项有关方面研究课题资助下,该项研究进展顺利,取得了预期的成果。HWTX-I作为一种新型钙通道拮抗剂,有可能填补我国天然活性多肽类神经保护新药的空白。



1、蛋白质组学系统分析方法学研究(39990600), 国家自然科学基金 重大项目子课题, 99-2003年,共计 60万,参与。

2、 蜘蛛毒素镇痛活性肽HWAP-I 新药开发,北大未名集团 横向课题,99-2002年,共计280万,参与。

3、 重要疾病的蛋白质组学研究 (001CB510280),国家“973”项目 子项目,2002-2005年,共计100 万,参与。


5、虎纹镇痛肽的新药开发与高效基因表达,国家863计划项目,2002-2005年,共计33万(国科发财字[2003] 274号),第一研究人员和课题立项大会答辩人。

6、 虎纹捕鸟蛛毒素三桥三叠结构模式类多肽的蛋白质工程,国家自然科学基金 面上项目,2001-2003年,共计23万,参与。

7、 《生物化学双语教学及实验教学改革》 湖南省教育厅项目,2001-2003年,计1万,参与。







6、运动生物化学与分子生物学实验教学改革的探索与实践,湖南师范大学教学改革课题,2005-2007,共计0.3万(课题批准号: 121-244 ),主持。

7、虎纹蜘蛛毒素-1对脑缺血损伤神经细胞保护作用分子机制研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2007-2009年,共计26万(项目批准号:30671085),主持。

8、HWTX-I---一种新的抗脑缺血性损伤药物作用机制研究,湖南省科委科技计划项目,2006-2008年,共计3万(课题批准号: 06FJ3091),主持。

9、HWTX-I对大鼠佐剂性关节炎镇痛作用及分子机制的研究,湖南省卫生厅项目,2007-2008年,共计0.8万(课题批准号: C2006-027 ),主持。

10、运动性骨关节炎发生发展及干预作用的分子机制研究,湖南省自然科学基金项目,2008-2010年,共计3万(课题批准号: 07JJ6063 ),主持。

11、不同温度下有氧运动对肥胖中学生血浆ApoA、LPL活性的的影响及应用,国家大学生创新实验计划,2007-2009年,共计1万元(课题批准号: 043-0094 ) (指导教师 )。

12、有氧运动对肥胖大鼠脂肪细胞凋亡的影响及分子机制研究,湖南师范大学大学生创新实验项目,2008-2010年,共计1千元 (指导教师 )。


1996年 酶性DNA研究(获湖南省自然科学优秀论文二等奖)

1998年 水稻抗逆性研究(获湖南省科委科研成果四等奖、湖南省教委科技进步二等奖)

2003年 生物化学双语教学及实验教学改革(获湖南省高等教育省级教学成果三等奖)

2004年 兔、犬、猴硬脊膜外腔及椎管内置管法(获湖南省自然科学优秀论文三等奖)

2004年 蜘蛛毒素的结构与功能研究(获湖南省科技进步一等奖)

2005年 获本校实验室工作优秀奖

2006年 Jia-Qin Chen, Yong-Quen Zhang, Jie Dai, Zhuo-Min Luo Song-Ping Liang* Antinociceptive effects of intrathecally administered huwentoxin-I, a selective N-type calcium channel blocker, in the formalin test in conscious rats. Toxicon 2005.(获湖南省自然科学优秀论文二等奖)


《生物奥林匹克教程 》2001, 湖南师范大学出版社。(合著)

《生物化学与分子生物学实验教程 》2002, 高等教育出版社。(合著)

《运动人体科学系列实验教程2》2006, 湖南师范大学出版社。(主编)

《运动人体科学系列实验教程1,3》2006, 湖南师范大学出版社。(合著)

《运动人体科学改编实验教程》2008, 人民体育出版社。(合著)


陈嘉勤,禹宽平,王身立. 人胚组织DNA酯酶活性的初步研究《中国动脉硬化杂志》1995;18( ).

陈嘉勤,禹宽平,王身立. 鸡肝DNA具有酯酶活性《湖南师范大学自然科学学报》1995;18(4) 69-71.

王身立,陈嘉勤,禹宽平. 发现酶性DNA《湖南师范大学自然科学学报》1995;18(3) 59-62.

陈嘉勤,谭周磁等. 硒对水稻幼苗SOD 与MDA影响的初步探讨《湖南农业科学》1997, NO.4, 28-29.

陈嘉勤,谭周磁等. 硒对水稻不同生育期叶片中SOD 与MDA影响的研究《湖南农业科学》1997, NO.6, 12-14.

陈嘉勤,罗卓敏,梁宋平. 虎纹镇痛肽(HWAP-1)于兔甲醛致炎疼痛模型的药效学研究《美国中华临床医学杂志》2002,2:118-121.


Jia-Qin Chen, Yong-Quen Zhang, Jie Dai, Zhuo-Min Luo Song-Ping Liang* Antinociceptive effects of intrathecally administered huwentoxin-I, a selective N-type calcium channel blocker, in the formalin test in conscious rats. Toxicon 45(2005) 15-20. (SCI源期刊)

CHEN Jia-Qin, CHEN Wei-hua, DENG Mei-chun, LI Guan, KUANG Yuan LIANG Song-ping * Huwentoxin-I: Antinociceptive effects and its comparison with ?-conotoxin-MVIIA on acute visceral pain in rats. Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 21(2005) 24-29. (SCI检索期刊)

陈嘉勤,余正湘,梁宋平,比格犬硬膜外腔造影误入蛛网膜下腔致脑栓塞的诊治与临床借鉴 《中国比较医学杂志》2004;14(5) 298-300.

陈嘉勤,陈威华,邓梅春,黎冠,康园,丁振华,梁宋平*。一种新型的N-型电压敏感性钙通道拮抗剂虎纹蜘蛛毒素-I在大鼠内脏痛模型中镇痛作用的研究 《第一军医大学学报》2005;25(1) 10-14.

陈嘉勤,陈威华,康园, 梁宋平* 一种定位准确、操作简便的大鼠硬脊膜外腔及椎管内置管手术方法。《生命科学研究》2004.


毛海峰,陈嘉勤*, 梁宋平, 王一蓉, 刘仁仪 HWTX-I对全脑缺血大鼠海马神经元形态学变化及Bax、bcl-2因子表达的影响, 《中国运动医学杂志》2006年NO.6, 678-683.(通讯作者)

毛海峰,周鸿雁,王一蓉,刘仁义,张沙骆,梁宋平,陈嘉勤*,HWTX-I对全脑缺血大鼠脑组织自由基及海马神经元损伤的保护作用研究,《北京体育大学学报》2007年NO.3, 251-253.(通讯作者)

周鸿雁,毛海峰,陈嘉勤*,HWTX-I对大鼠脑缺血再灌注后脑线粒体中自由基损伤的保护作用,《北京体育大学学报》2008年NO.1, 44-46.(通讯作者)


刘仁仪, 陈嘉勤*,刘为,吴新正,王一蓉,紫河车复方中药制剂对高校田径运动员血象指标的影响,《湖南师范大学学报(医学版)》2006年NO.3,14-18.(通讯作者)

张沙骆,瞿树林,陈嘉勤, BMP-2的生物学作用及其在体育领域应用的思考与展望《北京体育大学学报》2006年NO.3, 361-362.

刘仁仪,陈嘉勤*, 王一蓉 , 毛海峰, 虎纹捕鸟蜘蛛毒素-I对全脑缺血再灌注大鼠海马神经元Fas凋亡通路的抑制作用, 《中国运动医学杂志》2007年NO.6, 701-708.(通讯作者)

王一蓉,毛海峰,刘仁仪,陈嘉勤; 虎纹捕鸟蛛毒素-I对全脑缺血再灌损伤大鼠海马组织中TNF凋亡通路的影响,《中国运动医学杂志》2007年NO.5,571-574.(通讯作者)

Yi-Rong Wang1¶, Ren-Yi Liu1¶, Jia-Qin Chen1 *, Effect of Huwentoxin-I on the Fas and TNF apoptosis pathway in hippocampus of rat with global cerebral ischemia Toxicon 50〔2007〕1085-1094. (SCI源期刊)(通讯作者)

肖何 陈嘉勤* 林喜秀,紫河车营养补剂对体育专业大学生训练后体成分改变的影响,《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》2007年Vol.11 No.52 P.10519-10521.(通讯作者)

陈嘉勤,金海燕,王一蓉,钟文涛,谭军良,李刚,尹丽琴, 小型药理学实验仪器——烟碱提取装置研制与应用, 《实验室研究与探索》2008年NO.3, 40-42.(第一作者)

周鸿雁,毛海峰,陈嘉勤*,HWTX-I对大鼠脑缺血再灌注后脑线粒体中自由基损伤的保护作用,《北京体育大学学报》2008年NO.1, 44-46.(通讯作者)






七、Faculty Introduction of Sport College of Hunan Normal University-Chen Jiaqin:

Chen Jiaqin, female, is a professor, Master of Medical Science and Doctor of Science. She is a communication assessment expert of the subject consultative group of State Council, a committee member of Hunan association for laboratory animal science and Hunan association for physiological science, the executive editorial board member of China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy and a member of Chinese society of Biochemistry and molecular biology. In 1988, she graduated from School of Medicine, Jinan University in Guangzhou city and gained her master degree (Professor: Ren Bangzhe and Fang Jilan) and in 2003 graduated from School of Life Sciences, Hunan Normal University and gained the doctor degree of biochemistry and molecular biology (Professor: Liang Songping and Luo Zemin). From 1993 to 2003, she took the deputy director of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department of School of Life Sciences, Hunan Normal University (The ministry of education key laboratory) in charge of the teaching work. From 2004 to 2007, she took the director of provincial fundamental course pilot laboratory in human movement science of Sport College, Hunan Normal University. Now she is a professor of human movement science department in Sport College, Hunan Normal University.

She mainly engaged in the teaching of biochemistry and molecular biology and pharmacology. She also arranged the course of biochemistry (including English-Chinese bilingual education), molecular biology, pharmacology, cytobiology, food analysis, sports biochemistry, sports nutrition, exercise physiology, laboratory animal science, medical immunology, fundamental experimental techniques and methods and postgraduates English of Sport college for undergraduates and postgraduates learning human movement science medical science, biology, biochemistry, exercise training and sports health care of Sport College. She once acquired Excellence Award for her teaching achievement in the university and Hunan province for many times. From 1993 to 2003, she worked as an instructor of biochemistry theory and experiment course in Hunan province and our national middle school biology Olympic training team and her students won the golden medal for seven years successively in International competition.

When studying as a postgraduate, she worked hard in plasmid DNA extraction, purification, probe labeling, ISH (in-situ hybridization), Southern blot and amino acid sequence analysis of abnormal haemoglobin. From 1988 to 1991, she mainly engaged in theatherosclerotic lipoprotein segregation, purification, colloidal gold labelling receptor and receptor activity detection. From1990 to 1992, she held the research project of “oncogene and antioncogene structure and expression in the occurrence and development of gastric cancer” of Hunan province. From 1994 to 1998, she studied Catalytic DNA (won the second prize of excellent paper of natural science), rice stress resistance research (won the fourth prize of Hunan Science and Technology Commission for her scientific achievement and the second prize of Hunan Board of Education) and total chemical synthesis of Haplopelma schmidti von Wirth toxin II gene and its expression in prokaryotic cells.

From 1999 to 2003 (doctorate), she participated a number of national programs of “863 program” and “973 program” and important and general NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China) programs. As the first researcher and respondent of the project approval meeting, she independently accomplished the research of HWAP-1pharmacology, pharmacodynamics and toxicology which was approved by China Food and Drug Administration in 2006. The new drug then began its clinical test as the national Type I. In recent years, she proceeded the research of the cellular and molecular mechanism on neuron ischemic injury with HWTX-I against morbidity and high mortality by adopting neurobiplogy and molecular biology which acquired assistance from national and provincial natural science funds and provincial science bureau and health department and achieved expected results. HWTX-I, as a new kind of calcium channel antagonist, may fill the blank of natural activity polypeptide with neuroprotective effect in China.

As a holder, she has gained over ten subsidizes from national, provincial and bureau research programs. She once published about forty relevant papers (including three from SCI publications) and gained Science and Technology Progress Award, Excellent Paper Award in provincial natural science. She has held four researching projects of national and provincial level in total.

八、l Scientific research projects she participated in these years:

1. Methodological study of the systematic analysis of proteomics (39990600). Sub-project of key project supported by Natural Science Foundation of China, 1999-2003. Funding: 600,000 RMB.

2. The development of new medicine of scorpion analgesic peptide HWAP-1 agains tspider toxins, Weiming Group of Peiking University, horizontal topic, 1999-2002. Funding: 2,800,000 RMB.

3. Study on proteomics of major disease (001CB510280). Sub-project of National 973 project, 2002-2005. Funding: 1,000,000 RMB.

4. Development and application of the platform of proteomics techniques, National 863 project plan, 2002-2005. Funding:600,000 RMB.

5. The development of new drugs of Huwena analgesic peptide and expression of efficiency gene, National 863 project plan, 2002-2005. Funding: 330,000 RMB (The first researcher and respondent of project conference).

6. Huwentoxin

6、 虎纹捕鸟蛛毒素三桥三叠结构模式类多肽的蛋白质工程,国家自然科学基金 面上项目,2001-2003年,共计23万,参与。

7. Educational reform of bilingual and experimental teaching in biochemistry, project of Ministry of Education in Hunan province, 2001-22003. Funding: 10,000 RMB.

九、l Scientific research she hosted in recent years:

1. Study on intervention of new type calcium channel antagonist on apoptosis of rats undergoing extreme sports. Project of Ministry of Education in Hunan province, 2003-2004. Funding: 10,000 RMB (subject Grant No.: 27030510).

2. Study on mechanism of new type calcium channel refraining the protective effect of polypeptide on never of rats with cerebral ischemia. Project supported by Hunan Natural Science Funds, 2004-2006. Funding: 40,000 RMB (subject Grant No.: 04333014).

3. Experimental animals study of anti-cerebral injury of Huwena spider toxins-1. Technology plan project by science & technology committee, Hunan, China. 2004-2005. Funding: 20,000 RMB (subject Grant No.: 27040239).

4. Application research on protective effect of natural active peptide on central neuron. Project of Ministry of Health, Hunan province, 2004-2005. Funding: 8,000 RMB (subject Grant No.: B2004-111).

5. Study on the protective effect of polypeptide on never of rats with cerebral ischemia and constitution of model of rats with cerebral ischemic injury combining with cavum subarachnoidale intubation. Doctoral funds of Hunan Normal University, 2003-2005. Funding: 25,000 (subject Grant No.:27040608).

6. Exploration and practice of experimental teaching reform of sports biochemistry and molecular biology. Teaching reform subject of Hunan Normal University, 2005-2007. Funding: 3,000 RMB (subject Grant No.:121-244).

7. Molecular mechanism research of protective effect of Huwena spider toxins-1 on nerve cells with cerebral ischemic injury. General Program of National Natural Science Fund, 2007-2009. Funding: 260,000 RMB (subject Grant No.: 30671085) .

8. Mechanism action research of some kind new medicine against cerebral ischemic injury- HWTX-1. Technology plan project by science & technology committee, Hunan, China, 2006-2008. Funding: 30,000 RMB (subject Grant No.: 06FJ3091) (host).

9. Study on molecular mechanism and effect of HWTX-1 on analgesia of rats with adjuvant arthritis. Project of Ministry of Health, Hunan province, 2007-2008. Funding: 8,000 RMB (subject Grant No.:C2006-027).

10. Molecular mechanism research of the development and intervention effect of sports osteoarthritis. Project supported by Hunan Natural Science Funds, 2008-1010. Funding: 30,000 RMB (Subject Grant No.:07JJ6063).

11. Application and effects of aerobics under different temperature on the activity of ApoA, LPL of high school student in obesity. Innovative experimental plan of college students , 2007-2009. Funding: 10,000 RMB (subject Grant No.:043-0094) (adviser).

12. Effects of aerobics on adipocyte apoptosis of fat rats and molecular mechanism research. Innovative experimental project of students in Hunan Normal University, 2008-2010. Funding: 1,000 RMB (adviser).

十、l Awards of scientific activity:

1. Study of Catalytic DNA, 1996. The 2nd prize of excellent paper of natural science in Hunan province.

2. Study on stress resistance of rice, 1998. The 4th prize of achievements in scientific research awarded by science & technology committee, Hunan, China. The 2nd prize of scientific and technological progress award endowed by the Education Commission, Hunan, China.

3. Educational reform of bilingual and experimental teaching in biochemistry, 2003. The 3rd prize of achievements in provincial teaching of higher education in Hunan province.

4. The method of inserting internal pipe in epidural space and neural canal of rabbits, dogs and monkeys, 2004. The 3rd prize of excellent paper of natural science in Hunan province.

5. Research on the structure and function of spider toxins,2004. The 1st prize of scientific and technological progress award.

6. Excellent award for laboratory in Hunan Normal University, 2005.

7. Jia-Qin Chen, Yong-Quen Zhang, Jie Dai, Zhuo-Min Luo Song-Ping Liang* Antinociceptive effects of intrathecally administered huwentoxin-I, a selective N-type calcium channel blocker, in the formalin test in conscious rats. Toxicon 2005. The 2nd prize of excellent paper of natural science in Hunan province.

十一、l Works:

Biology Olympic Coursebook, 2001, Hunan Normal University Press (coauthor).

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Experiment Course, 2002, Higher Education Press (coauthor).

Experiment Course Series of Human Movement Science,2. 2006, Hunan Normal University Press (editor in chief).

Experiment Course Series of Human Movement Science,1,3, 2006. Hunan Normal University Press (coauthor).

The Revision Experiment Course of Human Movement Science, 2008. Peoples Sports Publishing House (coauthor).

十二、l Some research papers published:

1. Chen Jiaqin, Yu Kuanping, Wang Shenli. The preliminary study on the activity of DNA esterase of human fetal tissues, Chinese Journal of Arteriosclerosis, 1995;18.

2. Chen Jiaqin, Yu Kuanping, Wang Shenli. The activity of DNA esterase of chicken liver, Journal of Natural Science of Hunan Normal University, 1995;18(4) 69-71.

3. Wang Shenli, Chen Jiqin, Yu Kuanping. The discovery of catalytic DNA, Journal of Natural Science of Hunan Normal University, 1995;18(3) 59-62.

4. Chen Jiaqin, Tan Zhouci, et al,. Preliminary discussion on the effects of selenium of the SOD and MDA of rice seeding. Hunan Agricultural Sciences, 1997, NO.4, 28-29.

5. Chen Jiaqin, Tan Zhouci, et al,. Study on the effects of selenium of SOD and MDA of leaves of rice in different grow period, Hunan Agricultural Sciences, 1997, NO.6, 12-14.

6. Chen Jiaqin, Luo Zhuomin, Liang Songping. Study on the pharmacodynamics of HWAP-1 on formaldehyde- causing pain model of rabbits, The American Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine, 2002, 2: 118-121.

7. The method of inserting internal pipe in epidural space and neural canal of rabbits, dogs and monkeys, Acta Laser Biology Sinica, 2002, 3: 220-223.

8. Jia-Qin Chen, Yong-Quen Zhang, Jie Dai, Zhuo-Min Luo Song-Ping Liang* Antinociceptive effects of intrathecally administered huwentoxin-I, a selective N-type calcium channel blocker, in the formalin test in conscious rats. Toxicon 45(2005) 15-20. (SCI source journal).

9. CHEN Jia-Qin, CHEN Wei-hua, DENG Mei-chun, LI Guan, KUANG Yuan LIANG Song-ping * Huwentoxin-I: Antinociceptive effects and its comparison with -conotoxin-MVIIA on acute visceral pain in rats. Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 21(2005) 24-29 (SCI retrieval periodical).

10. Chen Jiaqin, Yu Zhengxiang, Liang Songping, learning from diagnosis, treatment and clinical of cerebral embolism caused by epidural space radiography of beagle misleading in subarachnoid space, Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine, 2004;14(5) 298-300.

11. Chen Jiaqin, Chen Weihua, Deng Meichun, Li Guan, Kang Yuan, Ding Zhenhua, Liang Songping*. Study on analgesia effect of a newly N-type voltage sensitive calcium channel antagonist of HWAP-1 on rats model of visceralgia, Journal of First Military Medical University, 2005;25(1) 10-14.

12. Chen Jiaqin, Chen Weihua, Kang Yuan, Liang Songping*. An exactly-positioning and easy-operating inserting tube surgery method in epidural space and neural canalof rats, Life Science Research, 2004.

13. Mao Haifeng, Zhou Hongyan, Wang Yirong, Chen Jiaqin*. Constitution of a model inserting tube in subarachnoid space of SD rats with total cerebral ischemia, Journal of Hunan Normal University (Medical edition), 2005, NO.1, 46-49 (corresponding author).

14. Mao Haifeng, Chen Jiaqin*, Liang Songping, Wang Yirong, Liu Renyi. Effects of HWTX-1 on morphological changes of rat hippocampal neurons with total cerebral ischemia and on expression of factor Bax and bcl-2, Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine, 2006, NO.6, 678-683 (corresponding author).

15. Mao Haifeng, Zhou Hongyan, Wang Yirong, Liu Renyi, Zhang Shaluo, Liang Songping, Chen Jiaqin*, Study on protective effects of HWTX-1 on damages of brain tissue free radical and hippocampal neuron, Journal of Beijing University of Physical Education, 2007, No.3, 251-253( corresponding author).

16. Zhou Hongyan, Mao Haifeng, Chen Jiaqin*, Study on protective effects of HWTX-1 on damages of free radical of rats with cerebral ischemia after infusing brain mitochondrial, Journal of Beijing University of Physical Education, 2008, No.1,44-46 (corresponding author).

17. Liu Wei, Chen Jiaqin*, Liu Renyi, Wu Xinzheng, Mao Haifeng. Effects of eathuman placenta for tonifying spleen and enhancing immunity on relevant indicators of immune function of college students majoring sports, Journal of Hunan Normal University (Medical edition), 2006, 3 (corresponding author).

18. Liu Renyi, Chen Jiaqin*, Liu Wei, Wu Xinzheng, Wang Yirong. Effects of eathuman placenta compound Chinese herbal on hemogram index of track and field athletes in colleges and universities, Journal of Hunan Normal University (Medical edition), 2006, No.3, 14-18 (corresponding author).

19. Zhang Shaluo, Zhai Shulin, Chen Jiaqin. Thinking and expectation of biological effect of BMP-2 and its application in the field of sports, Journal of Beijing University of Physical Education, 2006, NO.3, 361-362.

20. Liu Renyi, Chen Jiaqin*, Wang Yirong, Mao Haifeng, The inhibitory effect of Huwen catching bird spider toxin-I on apoptosis pathway of total cerebral ischemia after infusing rat hippocampal neurons, Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine, 2007, NO.6, 701-708 (corresponding author).

21. Wanf Yirong, Mao Haifeng, Liu Renyi, Chen Jiaqin. Effects of Huwen catching bird spider toxin-I on apoptosis pathway of TNF in total cerebral ischemia after infusing damaged hippocampus tissues, Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine, 2007, NO.5, 571-574 (corresponding author).

22. Yi-Rong Wang, Ren-Yi Liu, Jia-Qin Chen*, Effect of Huwentoxin-I on the Fas and TNF apoptosis pathway in hippocampus of rat with global cerebral ischemia Toxicon 50〔2007〕1085-1094 (SCI source journal) (corresponding author).

23. Xiao He, Chen Jiaqin*, Lin Xixiu. Effects of nutritional supplement of eathuman placenta on changes of body composition of students in colleges and universities majoring sports after training, Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research and Clinical Rehabilitation, 2007, Vol.11 No.52 P.10519-10521(corresponding author).

24. Chen Jiaqin, Jin Haiyan, Wang Yirong, Zhong Wentao, Tan Junliang, Li Gang, Yin Liqin. Minitype Pharmacology experimental instrument- the development and application of extraction equipment of nicotine, Research and Exploration in Laboratory, 2008, NO.3, 40-42 (The first author).

25. Zhou Hongyan, Mao Haifeng, Chen Jiaqin*, Protective effects of HWTX-1 on free radical damages of cerebral ischemia in rats after infusing cortex mitochondrial, Journal of Beijing University of Physical Education, 2008, NO.1, 44-46 (corresponding author).

26. Chen Jiaqin, Zhong Wentao, Tao Guyan, et al,. Study on intervention effects of calcium channel antagonist on rats ' behavioral alteration inflammatory arthritis and relevant factor of serum, sports and science, 2008, No.9, 61-65 (the first author).

27. Zhong Wentao, Tao Guyang, Rong Ying, et al,. Study on anti-nociceptive effect of new type calcium channel antagonist HWTX-I on damage model of sports arthritis of rats, Journal of Hunan Normal University ( medicine edition), 2008, NO.3, 16-19 (corresponding author).

28. Liu Renyi, Chen Jiaqin*, Mao Haifeng, Wang Yirong. Study on the expression of Caspase-3,8 of total cerebral ischemia after infusing rat hippocampus and HWTX-I neuroprotective mechanism, Journal of Beijing University of Physical Education, 2008, NO.10, 1368-1371.

She mainly engaged in the teaching of biochemistry and molecular biology and pharmacology. She also arranged the course of biochemistry (including English-Chinese bilingual education), molecular biology, pharmacology, cytobiology, food analysis, sports biochemistry, sports nutrition, exercise physiology, laboratory animal science, medical immunology, fundamental experimental techniques and methods and postgraduates English of Sport college for undergraduates and postgraduates learning human movement science medical science, biology, biochemistry, exercise training and sports health care of Sport College. She once acquired Excellence Award for her teaching achievement in the university and Hunan province for many times. From 1994 to 2003, she worked as an instructor of biochemistry theory and experiment course in Hunan province and our national middle school biology Olympic training team and her students won the golden medal for seven years successively in International competition.

In recent ten years, she has mainly engaged herself in research project of catalytic DNA, rice stress resistance and natural activity polypeptide drug. As main researcher, she participated a number of national programs of “863 program” and “973 program” and important and general NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China) programs. As the first researcher and respondent of the project approval meeting, she independently accomplished the research of HWAP-1pharmacology, pharmacodynamics and toxicology which was approved by China Food and Drug Administration in 2006. The new drug then began its clinical test as the national Type I. As a holder, she has gained over ten subsidizes from national, provincial and bureau research programs. She once published about forty relevant papers (including three from SCI publications) and gained Science and Technology Progress Award, Excellent Paper Award in provincial natural science. She has held four researching projects of national and provincial level in total.

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